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MA - English

MA in English is a 2 years course that aims at giving the learners essential language skills, vital for employability, and further understanding of values- social, cultural elements to function at a global level.

Fee (Rs.)



2 Years

Medium of Instruction


Program Objective

"The Program on English engages with literatures and cultures in English or translated into English and interprets and formulates cultural theories. The subject is also a study of not only how language is used in literature but also of the intimate connection between language and culture and the displacement of language by hegemonic structures"

Course Structure

Coming Soon..

First Year
Elizabethan and Jacobean Prose and Drama
Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
Literature of the Romantic Period
Victorian Literature
Second Year
Poetry from Chaucer to Milton
Commonwealth Literature
American Litrature
Modern British Literature
Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory

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